South Pacific's New Delegate

This follows Goddessness's declaration of intent to challenge the incumbent Delegate Caer Rialis on Feb 24 2006, 07:42...The region was geared to face a legitimate contest, making a refreshing change from the 'mental defectives' that have kept the Delegate honest...Also the first since the Grand Council was convened and the Charter and Laws overhauled...
Caer Rialis, however, following much soul searching made the decision to step down, "...I have decided that, rather than set this region to a delegate struggle between myself and Goddessness, two people who respect one another greatly, I will step down as Delegate. From this moment, I will stop amassing endorsements and, indeed, encourage each of you who is in the UN to endorse Goddessness. Once she surpasses my total, she will be our next delegate..."
Caer Rialis has held the office of Delegate for just over the past 12 months and has worked tirelessly to strengthen the region and fight off many challenges to the freedoms enjoyed by the people of the South Pacific...He leaves a distinguished legacy and assures everyone that "...Service does not end when one leaves office. I’ve worked too long for this region to just walk away. For the time being, I’ll be happy to be an elder statesman...Who knows, some day soon you may see me run for office..."
Keeping it in the family?..
Goddessness, who takes up the position for a second time, (Loosing her first delegacy by way of a software glitch), knowing that there are detractors out there, who are not entirely convinced that this 'handing over' of the delegacy should occur in such a fashion...A dissenting voice from within the region, Baxterite, is quoted as saying "...Unfortunately, we are not going to let the elite of the South Pacific pass around the delegacy amongst themselves as they see fit. The people, the active masses, will provide a People's Delegate and Candidate. In the meanwhile, we are going to mobilise the masses so as to prevent Goddessness from taking the delegacy...."
This is however, the view of the minority...(for minority read 'one')...No voices of support have been registered on the forum and since this outburst and an open invitation to respond to questions put to them by Caer Rialis, it has all gone very quiet. Many would argue that the security of the Region rests on who is elected to be Delegate...Continuity in promoting the founding principles of the South Pacific, and keeping the huge feeder region from the hands of unknown and potentially dangerous megalomaniacs is of paramount importance...But that is not to say that the people of the Region do not have a voice...The endorsements collected by the Delegate cannot be forced and must be given freely, therefore within the bounds and restrictions of current Nation States gameplay the most democratic method available...
Such complaints surrounding the delegacy selection are usually followed up by declarations of intent to challenge the incumbent Delegate...No such declaration has been issued by Baxterite and the people of the South Pacific are on tenterhooks to see if they do so...It would certainly make for an interesting spectacle and might even expose the identity of the, as yet, unknown masses...
The way forward...
Goddessness has outlined the principles and changes that she would like to drive through during her tenure, which include:
- Introduction of the SP Militia - Different from the existing DSP, by way of introducing War Games to the region in the hope of increasing forum activity...
- Creation of Provinces - Following the general premise of Political Parties within the Region and adding in an additional layer of member representation...An development that has been discussed on and off for some time now...
- Forming alliances with other regions with an eye to building a greater international reputation within Nation States with the addition of increasing the ability for South Pacific Intelligence Officers to work more effectively across the wider community thereby strengthening homeland defence...
You can endorse the nations of your choice on the Nation States Web site...But you must be a member of the United Nations in order to use the endorsement system...
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