A Chat With Tsrill...
As the outgoing Minister of the Region, Tsrill has agreed to take a little time from his busy schedule and join us here at SPOT HQ for a little pow-wow. So let's see what he had to say for himself...
1. Have you enjoyed your time in government and will you miss it?..
'There are always enjoyable and less enjoyable moments, but in general I had a good time. I am sure there are other ways in which I can contribute to the region than serving in government. Being in power has certain advantages if you want to get things done, but missing it would not be a good thing in general, I think... Still, there's some thrill to oppress...I mean conspir...uh, never mind'

2. What are the reasons for you not standing for re-election?..
'While I have plenty of ideas, I feel I lack the drive to get things done at the moment. Furthermore, I don't think people should stay too long on a position. I would like to see new people step up and show what they are worth; it would be good for the region.'
3. What would you see as your greatest accomplishment during your tenure as MoR?..
'I don't recall having done truly remarkable, outstanding things in the past terms. I had part in getting the forums up and running again after the invision crash, but that was teamwork, really. Further I did my job as outlined in the Charter.'
4. What are your plans for the future?..

5. Any wise words of counsel for your successor?..
'The ministry of the region has become an extensive job over the years, therefore: get a deputy minister and delegate some tasks (something I never did, and somewhat regret). Further keep the assembly under strict control; it tends to go all over the place, but should only go forward.'
A couple of wise words in there somewhere...
We would like to thank Tsrill for taking the time to sit for this interview, to wish him all the best in his future endeavors and give the chameleons our regards...
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