Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Election Commission Set Date...

Election Date Announced...

Election Commissioner Papapatagonia, affectionately known within TSP as Atag, has this morning announced that the Cabinet elections for the region will commence on Saturday 17th March...

All members of TSP are encouraged to run for election, guidelines for which can be found in the Election Law of 2006...To get the ball rolling aspiring candidates should register their intent of candidacy by Private Message (PM) to each member of the Election Commission, currently constituted as Papapatagonia, Tsunamy & Minbaric Federal Zones.

For any Election related queries then you are asked to post them in the 'Ask the Commissioners' thread on the forum...

In his announcement Atag said: 'Anyone could win the race. Much like the lotto, except you actually have a chance'...No reason not to give it a shot then if they put it that way...

SPOT will continue to provide all of the news, gossip and rumour in the run up to and during the election period...

In related news, the current government have expressed a desire for an increase in voter numbers this time round...Several initiatives are known to have been discussed within Cabinet so prepare yourself for plenty of activity this time round...


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