Deputy PM Appointed
Region's No.2 Appointed...
The appointment of Somniloquence as Deputy Prime Minister of The South Pacific has been met with warmness and cuddles from the membership...
A relative newcomer to the region, joining on 6th February 2007, Somni has quickly ingratiated themselves into the intelligence and security fraternity of the region, gaining many plaudits from those 'in the know'...This move into the public face of Government will certainly present some challenges, but everything that SPOT has heard so far leads us to believe that Somni has all of the attributes to be a credit to themselves and TSP...
The Prime Minister had a couple of words to say as he made the announcement...
"So it was left to me to search the region for someone with the 'right stuff'...Somni would appear to have it in abundance...And it is great to have them on-board..."
In related news...The PM's Office have vehemently denied any truth behind allegations that ministerial funds are being diverted into 'Caribbean Holiday slush funds'...
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