SP Election Preparations

Chief Election Commissioner, King J, has published the following timescale for this month's elections:
Saturday, March 18th - Election campaign begins, Election calendar and regulations posted, Election forum opens
Friday, March 24th, 23:59 - Election campaign ends
Saturday, March 25th - Ballots posted, Voting begins
Tuesday, March 28th, 23:59 - Voting concludes
Wednesday, March 29th - Results announced, Appeal period begins
Saturday April 1st - Appeal period concludes, Election results certified
Although the election areas are set-up King J wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the following '...but please remember that it doesn't begin until a week later, we dont need anybody going off prematurely.So good luck to all who participate and lets have a good clean election, no scratching and biting, yes you know who you are...'
Wise words indeed...
The Election Commission would also like to stress that: '...all SPers as much as i like to hear from you all, can you please hold off with your applications until the designated time, that way you can decide what you want to do, yeah you know who you are...'
Another firm stance from our no-nonsense Election Commission...
In related news...The Election Law amendments which recently received a 'yes' vote have been filed in the Charter & Laws section...One of the main amendments being the lengthening of ministerial service to 3 months rather than the present period of 2 months...
In other news...Htz3 has been asking 'are we there yet?..'
Is there anyone out there that can help?..If so then please get in touch...
Bob Fibber...Roving Reporter...
Actually, the lengthening of the terms is not in the new EC law; that's in a charter amendment still up for vote, which will be concluded shortly after the elections. However, this charter amendment, if it passes, will still be applied to the next term, so practically there isn't much of a difference.
A major point in the new law, however, is that the appeal period is shortened from 1 week to 3 days. Further, now it's clear who's the boss during the voting and appeal period, namely the outgoing ministers.
2:23 pm
Thanks for clearing that up Tsrill...
4:40 pm
"from our no-nonsense Election Commission..."
Baby, In case you ain't notice, We are All for the nonsense....
12:40 pm
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