SPOT Light on Tsunamy

1) Tell me about your introduction to Nation States & The South Pacific...
I started NS after a RL friend recommended it to me. TSP was my feeder region, and I never left.
2) What has kept you interested and active on the forums for so long?..
What originally made me active was the XYZ_Affair. What kept me active was the simple fact that I'm root admin and thereby am responsible for the Invision board.
3) Is there anything that stands out as being the most influential thing to have happened in the South Pacific?..
Essentially, the original government headed by Killer Monkeys and Goddessness is probably the most influential part. Without that, nothing TSP is now, would ever have happened, or at least happened as it did.
4) Tell me about your motivation for serving the Region as both an elected Cabinet Minister and Forum Admin...
-- No comment.
5) What do you see as the most important work for a Cabinet Member?..
Cabinet members are essentially here to lead the government. Tehy are here to bring light to issues that as being ignored or simply not seen.
6) Given that the Coming Age of the Badger is surely upon us, what advice can you give for everyone to prepare?..
7) Where do you stand on the whole Fuzzie Bunnies thing?..
I like them.
8) If you were to ever leave the South Pacific, which other Region would you grace with your presence?..
When I leave the South Pacific...I'll be leaving NS.
9) What is your favourite colour?..
10) Have you ever had to explain your involvement in NationStates/South Pacific to the uninitiated?..What was their reaction?..
Not Really.
11) How close to your real persona is that of 'Tsunamy'?..
I am Tsunamy. I think it's safe to say I never tried to portray it as a persona other than myself.
12) Would you rather be a 'pain in the neck' or 'pain in the arse'?..
Um...Arse...Because then I'd sound British.
13) If you were an animal, would you be disappointed that you weren't a human?..
14) What is your favourite head furniture?..
No comment!..
15) What's the most demeaning act you have ever been asked to perform?..
Oh...That's not for small children to hear

16) Do you think that the Americans really landed on the Moon, or was it just an elaborate hoax?..
Elaborate hoax.
17) What is your favourite cheese?..
American. or Swiss.
18) Buckaroo or Operation?..
Say what?
19) What question would you most like to be asked by an interviewer?..
So, who did you sleep with last night?
20) What do you think of students?..
I am one.
21) What do you think of old people?..
I may eventually be one of them too.
22) What award would you most like to win?..
None. I don't really need acknowledgement.
23) Which one individual do you hate most in the world?
I don't know if I have one.
24) Why?..
No comment.
25) Monty Python or Blackadder?..
Ick to both.
26) Finally, do you have an inspirational message for our readers?..
"Dream like you'll live forever, live like you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean
Our thanks to Tsunamy for his time in answering our questions...Hopefully you have a clearer picture of what makes him tick...Lets just hope he doesn't explode though...

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