Election Candidates *Update*

Early yesterday, Geomania, Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the South Pacific, withdrew as an official candidate for the race to become the next Minister for Justice...In a statement he said...'I was going to post my agenda for the campaign, but since Eastwales is running for re-election, and since I have virtually no problems with the way he has been running the department, of justice, I will bow out of this race. I apologize for the inconvenience. I had no idea Eastwales was running, again...'
Geomania's withdrawal is seen by some as a clear vote in confidence of the incumbent Minister, whereas others see this as a weakening of the democratic system...Your comments are welcome on this issue...
My comments are welcome? ;) I see it as a vote of confidence in the current MoJ. Democracy isn't strengthened if you have more candidates who all have the same opinion or vision, something we already see too often in RL politics.
1:35 pm
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