Prime Minister Appointed

To fill the void left by Caer Rialis returning to the Delegacy, he has, in consultation with the Cabinet and as per the Charter and Laws of the Region appointed Kloister as the Prime Minister...
Kloister joins the Cabinet following a 4 month break from government responsibilities, after holding office of Secretary/Minister of the Region for over 12 months previously...
Caer Rilalis gave the following quote...'Good luck to you'...
Short but to the point...
In his opening address Kloister said...'Given the circumstances leading to this...It is with a heavy heart that I accept this great privilege in becoming Prime Minister...Respect and gratitude to our Delegate and the Cabinet for having trust and faith in me...I will give of my best to be of service to the Region...'
In other related news, it would appear that rumours of the impending Coming Age of the Badger could be true after all...With the newly appointed Prime Minister openly announcing his ties to the Badgers...
...'Hey!..Did anyone hear a trump?..
Surely this can't be the Coming Age of the Badger!..

Moo Haa Haa...'
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