Candidate Concern...

It has been four days since Papapatagonia, Election Commissioner, announced the commencement of the election period for The South Pacific...So far only two candidates have declared their intention to run for government, Kloister and Geomania, running for Prime Minister and Minister of Security respectively...
Sources close to the Cabinet have revealed that a distinct lack of interest in the current elections could seriously undermine the democracy of the Feeder Region...With 3 out of the 5 ministries still without a candidate, time is running out for candidates to have adequate time to campaign effectively for the membership vote...
Feelings of the Cabinet on this issue are well documented as they continue to encourage all members to consider joining the Government...
Why not give it a try...What have you got to lose?..Register your candidacy with the Election Commission today...
I haven't even overcome the shock of being chief Election commissioner yet.....
8:43 am
Dare I say that neither has the membership... ;-)
12:09 pm
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