Monday, March 22, 2010

TSP Election MoS Candidate Interview

Candidate Interview - Daytime to Night

Running for the position of Minister of Security...

To enable complete impartiality, SPOT will provide all of the candidates with the same questions and provide their responses in the order in which they declared their intention to run for office... 

SPOT: Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the members of The South Pacific…

Well, I'm Daytime to Night, this is my nation that I've had in the South Pacific for sometime. I started playing the game in 2007 under the nation 'Numero Capitan' and after ending up on every forum in this game I eventually settled on a few regions that I particularly enjoyed the communities of, AWP (my first region when I joined the game), The South Pacific where I enjoyed its originality and Europeia, which was a more politically involved region that I already had a good friend in.
SPOT: What are your motivations in running for office?..

Since Southern Bellz became delegate there has been an absence in this area and I'm well suited to fill it, something I had been thinking and was confirmed to me when I was nominated for the role.

SPOT: What is your opinion on the current and historical performance of the Security and Intelligence Ministry?..

Some of the past Ministers are names I spent my early NS years following and viewing as NS legends, its a hard thing to follow on from but I'm starting from scratch again and I hope I can make something of the Ministry that the whole region can be proud of, because we should be.

SPOT: Are there any new initiatives that differentiate your campaign from your fellow candidates?..

As a person I like to use the ideas of others and sound my own off against others and create a co-ordinated plan of action in government, I guess I need the reassurance that others are thinking along the same lines as me. But I'm passionate about having a distinctive military in this region, and there are others who are trying to suggest a place for it in the context of NS. I'm not too interested in that, I won't be pigeonholing our military, I'll just be getting people involved in it and seeing what they would find to be fun things to do with our regional military, whilst also improving our ability to protect the region.
SPOT: And finally, if you could change anything in The South Pacific/Nationstates world, what would it be and why?..

I'd give Todd a shave, what could be more entertaining than a bald fox!

[Editor - So long as you don't go anywhere near the Badgers with that sort of attitude!.. ]

SPOT would like to thank Candidate Daytime to Night for taking the time to be interviewed and provide the electorate of The South Pacific with further insight into their campaign...

Stay tuned for further interviews with all of the other declared candidates...


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