Delegate Hopeful Ejected...

The Cabinet had been tracking The Radical Defender (TRD) and their increasing endorsement total over the past couple of weeks...After requests by the Cabinet for TRD to introduce themselves to the region and make a declaration of their intent, which was subsequently complied with yesterday (29th May 2006), they passed the 80% mark at which were in violation of the law and were therefore ejected from the South Pacific...
The declaration from TRD to run for the Delegacy was met with un-enthusiastic responses from the members of the South Pacific...Many pressing the point that TRD had shown little benefit to them assuming the Delegacy...
One long standing member of the region said..."It's going to take more than a declaration (one forum post) to convince me to remove my support from the current delegate. Change just for the sake of change doesn't impress me..."
This was echoed by another prominent member..."Sorry, you haven't convinced me of anything other than to support the current delegate..."
Another stated, after noticing inconsistencies in TRD's declaration..."I'm sorry, but your response to question 5 contradicts that of your response to question 3. You say you do not plan on changing anything at the moment and have said of nothing that you might even consider changing, yet, then say you have new ideas and opinions on how things 'should' be run..."
In making a declaration of intentions regarding the Delegate's seat ay challenger is requested to respond to a defined list of questions...The two questions and subsequent responses referred to were:
3) What you plan to change if you become delegate?
"I do not plan on changing anything at the moment. As matters arise, I will take appropriate action by asking the opinions of all the nations in the region. I feel that everyone should have an equal say in the government..."
5) Why you would do a better job than our current delegate?
"I would be new to the position and possibly have new ideas and opinions as to how things should be run. It is often beneficial to have an outsider come in because they are better able to see what changes are needed..."
The current Delegate, Caer Rialis, was bound by the laws of the Region and duly acted to apply the law as it currently stands..."As things stand now, I have 300 endorsements whereas the Radical Defender has 241. This puts him at 80.3%, which stands above the 80% threshold. Whereas TRD has neither been a registerted member of these boards for 60 days, nor a member of the UN for 30 days, it is my sad duty to uphold the laws of this region, protecting our freedoms, and eject said Radical Defender..."
In related news, the amendments to the Martial & Succession Law are to be placed before the members of the South Pacific for voting shortly...Driven by the recent changes to Nation States game rules the main changes to the existing law will centre around reducing the threshold percentage (of the current Delegate's endoresement count) that any challenger can pass before the law is enacted...It current stands at 80% but in the amended law would drop to 50%...Also the timescale for any Delegacy contest would reduce from 28 days to 14 days...It is expected that the amendedments will gain widespread support...
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