SPOT Light on Caer Rialis

1) Tell me about your introduction to Nation States & The South Pacific...
One day, as I lay, my back to an apple tree, reading Machiavelli’s Discourses with Livy, a herald came riding up on a dappled mare, bidding me to come and join the game of NationStates. . . . .actually, I’m part of the Yahoo Group for Dork Tower. Someone posted the link back in March 2003 and I’ve been part of the game since.
When the link to the off-site forums was posted back in July ’03, I decided to sign up as the forums for the game left a lot to be desired.
2) What has kept you interested and active on the forums for so long?..
It’s a good bunch of people. Sure, we have some kids who have delusions of self-importance and who enjoy bugging others, but on the whole we have good, creative, fun bunch of folk.
3) Is there anything that stands out as being the most influential thing to have happened in the South Pacific?..
I think that would have to have been the first attempt Savage Lands Reloaded tried to seize the region, back in January 2004. The cold war between the South Pacific and the NPO turned hot then, even though not all within the NPO knew the extent to which some of their members were involved in the coup attempt. The region came very close, very very close to being taken out by SLR then, but we stuck together. The region worked together and it was extremely exciting.
4) Tell me about your motivation for serving the Region as both an elected Cabinet Minister and the Delegate...
I think that if you want a community to flourish, you have to serve it in the way you are called to do so. I was asked, long ago, to run for office, but I couldn’t run against friends. When the SoFA post opened on the Shaft’s succession to the Delegacy, I moved into that slot. When the Shaft was unable to serve as delegate because of real-life, I had the time and the temperament to serve as delegate.
And now, when Goddessness, again for real-life issues, could no longer serve as Delegate, well, there’s a reason past delegates shouldn’t vamoose out of the region, I was able to step back in to continue to serve.
5) What do you see as the most important work for the Delegate?..
Keep the peace. We have a lot of people, with a lot of agendas running around here. My job is to help keep things civil, keep people from antagonizing others and to maintain the community of the South Pacific.
6) Given that the Coming Age of the Badger is surely upon us, what advice can you give for everyone to prepare?..
Join the resistance. Do not allow them to seize control of anything outside their
7) Can you explain your hatred of the Fuzzie Bunnies?..
Cute and fuzzy bunnies have promoted the ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ mentality of most demagogues. Their cuteness beguiles all who cannot see behind that pretty little shell to the true perfidy behind their motives of global chaos and destruction!
8) If you were to ever leave the South Pacific, which other Region would you grace with your presence?..
If I was ever unwelcome within the South Pacific, I would simply retire from the game. No other region means so much to me than this one.
9) What is your favourite colour?..
10) Have you ever had to explain your involvement in NationStates/South Pacific to the uninitiated?..What was their reaction?..
Naw. I’m seen as a bit of geek myself in real-life, but, truly, I have surpassed all forms and levels of geekdom to be enshrined as a dork.
11) How close to your real persona is that of Emperor Oscar I?..
Oh, I try not to make my role play characters Mary Janes. Although there are times I hear voices. . . . . **looks around, furtively**
Actually, I put a bit of myself into every role play character I’ve started off here. In Oscar, I put a lot of my love of folklore and mythology.
12) Would you rather be a 'pain in the neck' or 'pain in the arse'?..
I prefer ‘pain in the keister’
13) If you were an animal, would you be disappointed that you weren't a human?..
Sure. I mean, opposable thumbs. Other animals might have fur and claws, or can see for miles and miles, have exceptional hearing, etc. but, besides pandas, who else has opposable thumbs?
Okay, opossums, but name another.
Okay, Orangutans, but name a fifth
All right, Cebids, but that’s it!
14) What is your favourite head furniture?..
A pillow upon which to rest my weary head.
15) What's the most demeaning act you have ever been asked to perform?..
Demeaning you say? Well, I get asked to buss the lunch tables in the student cafeteria of my school every day, which leads the kids to call me the garbage man in class. I think that’s demeaning to teachers.
16) Do you think that the Americans really landed on the Moon, or was it just an elaborate hoax?..
Funny you should ask this. I had a student two years ago announce that the moon landing was a hoax, because he saw a report outlining the hoax on Fox News. I told him to consider your source then assigned him a five page paper on the topic.
17) What is your favourite cheese?..
18) Buckaroo or Operation?..
19) What question would you most like to be asked by an interviewer?..
What is the capitol of Assyria?
20) What do you think of students?..
Most are good people, but they always have to keep their eyes on the ultimate
21) What do you think of old people?..
Old people should be respected.
22) What award would you most like to win?..
I’d like to win a Golden Apple, but it’s too political in this state.
23) Which one individual do you hate most in the world?
Hate is a strong word. I decided long ago not to hate a soul, but to try and help. If they won’t accept my help, well, why waste the time and emotion over them?
24) Why?..
It’s an intriguing scientific phenomenon.
25) Monty Python or Blackadder?..
Whoa. British comedy and you left out the Young Ones? Shame. Shame
It depends on which Blackadder. I couldn’t stand Blackadder I, but love the biting wit in Blackadders II, III and Goes Forth.
26) Finally, do you have an inspirational message for our readers?..
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Old time is still a-flying
And that same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be a-dying.
Very revealing indeed...Dork?..Never!..And what's this about a resistance?..
Our thanks to Caer Rialis for his time in participating in this interview...
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