SPOT Light on Kaselande

1) Tell me about your introduction to Nation States & The South Pacific...
It all started in Civics class last year. My teacher was a couple fries short of a happy meal so he didn't go throught the right channels to get our region set up. So I created Kaselande and moved it to our class region, The Frozen Tundra of Siban. So after 3 weeks of anarchy in a class region we stopped the project. So since our teacher didnt go through the proper channels it was a semi blessing, I was able to keep Kaselande. So I moved to the SP and signed up the next day, Feb. 5th.
2) What has kept you interested and active on the forums for so long?..
Boredom. My school is dumb enough to give out laptops and give us plenty of free time during the day. So I get bored and surf around. But even though thats why I joined the forums I like the people and the activity we have as a region.
3) Is there anything that stands out as being the most influential thing to have happened in the South Pacific?..
Well there are a couple of times. One thing is all the little crackpot bids we get for the delegate seat every couple of months. It shows the world how we react to a crisis and how we stick together. The age of Fudgie, Fudge as PM, great time for the SP. And of course Goddessness coming back to the region.
4) Tell me about your motivation for serving the Region as an elected Cabinet Minister...
My motovation for running was to serve the region. I had been in the DSP and saw the 2 previous Ministers of Defence to leave in the middle of their term. So I decided to change that, so I ran and I've been in the position ever since.
5) What do you see as the most important work for a Cabinet Minister?..
The most important thing for us in cabinet to do is to serve the people. We should take ideas posted by the people and develop them. Without the people we have no power.
6) Given that the Coming Age of the Badger is surely upon us, what advice can you give for everyone to prepare?..
Stock up on bacon treats to pay our badger overlords for tribute I guess.
7) Where do you stand on the Fuzzie Bunnies?..
The only time I like bunnys, are when they are on my plate.
8) If you were to ever leave the South Pacific, which other Region would you grace with your presence?..
Pacific, I <3>
9) What is your favourite colour?..
10) Have you ever had to explain your involvement in NationStates/South Pacific to the uninitiated?..What was their reaction?..
11) How close to your real persona is that of Kaselande, Defender of the Realm, General of the Armed Forces?..
Same thing except I'm more of an asshole in real life. Just the other day I told someone I hurt myself with fireworks to prove that they were gullable.
12) Would you rather be a 'pain in the neck' or 'pain in the arse'?..
Pain in the arse.
13) If you were an animal, would you be disappointed that you weren't a human?..
No, they dont know what they are missing. Except house pets I guess.
14) What is your favourite head furniture?..
Bed I guess.
15) What's the most demeaning act you have ever been asked to perform?..
16) Do you think that the Americans really landed on the Moon, or was it just an elaborate hoax?..
We landed the first time, the rest of the times were hoaxes.
17) What is your favourite cheese?..
Baked Brie.
18) Buckaroo or Operation?..
19) What question would you most like to be asked by an interviewer?..
What would Jesus Brew?
20) What do you think of students?..
I love them, I am one after all
21) What do you think of old people?..
They're alright. I work part time at a old folk home and when ever I work the morning shift I have to help at least on oldie get their chest hair out of their zipper...
22) What award would you most like to win?..
Best Person.
23) Which one individual do you hate most in the world?
This girl I swim with
24) Why?..
She's a pain in the arse
25) Monty Python or Blackadder?..
BA is pretty sweet. Never seen Monty Python
26) Finally, do you have an inspirational message for our readers?..
Do the Dew!
Many thanks to Kaselande and his 'very interesting' responses to those questions...Now all we have to do is get you to perform some demeaning acts whilst watching copious amounts of Monty Python...
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