SP Festival of Independance

Invites have been taken to the furthest reaches of the Nation States world, which c cordially invite everyone to join with them at its inaugral Festival of Independance...A celebration of 3 years of active democratic government...From turbulent beginings, instigating the very first feeder region government, to providing one of the stablest regions in the Nation States world, the South Pacific marks their achievements in this time honoured fashion...
The Festival of Independance is running from Sunday 2nd July - Saturday 8th July 2006 and will be hosting the following celebrational activities for all to enjoy:
South Pacific Annual Awards
Beach Party (Role Play)
Badger Racing
Beauty Pageant/Lampshade Parade
Popularity Contest
Taking nominations for the Matt-Duck & Goddessness Service Awards
There will also be plenty of opportunity to reminisce about the good ol' days...The friendships, the battles and the fun & frolics...
So join with everyone in the South Pacific, for these very special celebrations...
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