Delegacy Challenge Fades...

The South Pacific has seen two challengers for the Delegacy come and go over the past few days. The DOOP and Thonex (aka Vrtbovska Zahrada) declared their intentions to formally challenge Fudgetopia, the long standing Delegate of the region, with neither seeing their campaigns through to a conclusion.
Thonex, a far more engaging candidate, certainly stimulated more questioning from the members. To which they responded with energetic riposte. However, the fate as befalls many challengers, Thonex could not adequately convince the members of any clear advantages in them replacing Fudge. Add into the mix concerns over the raider/invader past of Thonex and the fact that they were holding down a Cabinet position in The North Pacific, members were quick to jump on the clear conflict of interest issue.
Both challenger’s UN Nations are no longer in the TSP.
Fudge’s reign as Delegate (607 days) is of course a matter for the members and they ultimately decide on who holds that office, through the time honoured standards of honesty, trust and faithful service. Something that any newcomer harbouring wishes for will have to take on board.
It’s not that TSP are an ‘Old Boys Club’. That could not be further from the truth. Members truly value friendship and the bonds of trust that subsequently develop when time is taken to get to know one another.
Joining TSP and expecting to wield inordinate amounts of power immediately is just something that is not going to happen. The members see the sense in not allowing that to happen to a region they have worked long and hard to forge.
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