Friday, June 24, 2005

Foreign Affairs appoints undersecretary

After a long and desperate search, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Karatafasadi has found an Undersecretary: Polkstreet. Polkstreet is a newcomer in the higher ranks of the government, but is a frequent visitor to various sections of the off-site forum and to the regional message board. Apart from that he is functioning as boardwatcher for the department of the region. We wish Polkstreet good luck in the foreign affairs department.

Council to be reorganized

In the council is currently a discussion to reorganize the council itself, by putting discussion in the main council chamber and place polls in a seperate voting booth. In the current situation, most discussions take place in the forum "For things that go bump in the night", some in the main council chamber and polls are held in the main chamber. Because "people are getting generally confused which forum is for what" and "to make life easier", according to Tsrill, a change would be a good idea. The discussion can be found in "Things that go bump in the night", and the motion will most likely be put to vote soon.
If the motion passes the moderator staff will most likely need a few days to rearrange all threads.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Werewolves rising!

Caer Rialis is setting up a new show in the SPINN lifestyle section. He calls the project a "B-movie", although it is more a kind of Big Brother in horror setting. Twenty contestants are needed, and four of them are being transformed into werewolves, the others are to play medieval villagers. Each night, the werewolves may eat a person and the villagers may kill a person, without knowing who is who. The group who survives best will have won. In short, Caer Rialis is looking for participants. Get your cloaks and fangs out of the closet and sign up in the lifestyle channel.

Ban of former delegate

The cabinet, in cooperation with the administrator staff, has unanimously decided to ban long-standing member of the region and former delegate LadyRebels from the region and from the off-site board. Legally this is done by the override clause in the 3-warnings law stating that the cabinet can decide to ban a person immediately without handing out warnings first, in case of a grievous offense; for this a 2/3rd cabinet majority is needed. This ban is last step in the conflict that has slowly but surely arisen between LadyRebels and several other members of the region and . Some of Ladyrebel's actions that lead to this decision are listed in the department of justice, but also "items of a strictly confidential nature taken into consideration", according to the Secretary of Justice.
The Delegate said in a speech announcing the decisision in the Council "It is my duty to inform you that the activities of one of our members have reached the point of no return. We had hoped, when a compromise was met earlier on a request to delete her account, all would end there. Time could heal the wounds and the region could be made the stronger for it. It has not." Questions can be addressed to the Delegate either in public or in private.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Foreign Affairs calls for help

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Karatafasadi, gave a dramatical call for help today, pointing to the many vacant positions within the department. Only four of the eighteen regions that the South Pacific has contact with, have an ambassador appointed to them. All other embassies have to be maintained by the Secretary. To reduce this workload, the Secretary is urgently looking for new Ambassadors, and for an Undersecretary. Details of the job openings and methods of application can be found in the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Correction on previous news item

It was brought to our attention, by careful reader that there was an omission in the article about the provisional elections results We forgot to report that Kloister was re-elected as Secretary of the Region. Our apologies to Kloister and to our readers.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

UN resolution on chemical weapons

A new UN resolution is up for vote. The resolution proposes a ban on all chemical weapons. The discussion can be read on the delegate's board. Let the Delegate know about your opinion, so that he can cast his regional vote according to the population.

Vint gets ban on sight

The Secretary of Justice has issued a ban-on-sight against nations called "vint", usually followed by a two-digit number. This "Vint"-person has been trolling the regional message board for a while and got several times ejected under the 3 warnings-law. However, Vint keeps returning with new nations and seems to make a sport out of it. "I cannot be distoryed" and "fools you cannot win" where some of his more literate messages. The ban-on-sight has unanimous support of the cabinet. The issue can be found in the Department of Justice.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ranks of Government fill up

This week a storm of appointments sweeps through the region. Today delegate Caer Rialis announced the elongation of KingJ's service in the elections commission. Under the Elections Commission law, members of the region have one week to object in the Council against the candidate. The first reactions are overwhelmingly positive.

FideiDefensor will act as Undersecretary of the Region under Kloister. After a long presence in the region and having served in the Regional Mapping Committee, she has now made the next step in the ranks of our government.

The other new Undersecretary is old-timer Military Force, who was appointed by Secretary of Defence Kaselande in his department. Military Force has served the region in the past in various jobs, most notably as elected Secretary of Defence and as forum administrator and brings a lot of experience into the department.

SPOT wishes to congratulate all appointees.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Council in full swing

A lot of activity is going on in the council at the moment, with various suggestions for regional improvement and discussions about the future of the region. In the Council forum are the future of the Council and its procedures under discussion, while in the forum "For things that go bump in the night" the warnings law is being finalized and charter amendments are brought up. Members of the former and current government welcome all ideas for charter amendments, but suggest that the handling of those amendments are to be carried out during a general charter debate that should come soon, in which the government will propose a new concept charter.

Intel agent sacked

Today the region an unusual look into Intelligence affairs, as one of the agents complaint about her being sacked. The direct cause of the dismissal from service was a statement the agent made in the region LadyRebelLounge, in which she voiced her discontent with the current South Pacific government. Secretary of Intelligence Goddessness explained that there were other reasons as well, such as a failure of the agent to send a weekly report to the Secretary. The full discussion about this matter can be read in the Department of Intelligence

Launch of Pacific Community

After months of hard work, this week the new Shared Pacific Community was opened. It is intended as a place to meet the nations of the other Pacifics in a friendly atmosphere. NationStates politics are supposed to be absent. A lot of members from the Pacific, East Pacific and South Pacific have already signed up and indulge in friendly chat. Hop to the Shared Pacific Community at, sign up and join in.