Friday, June 22, 2007

Papapatagonia to step down as Chief EC

Chief Election Commissioner Papapatagonia announced that he will step down. Having served in the commission since january 2005, he has "seen Fights, bannings, elections, revocations of elections. I've seen good campaigns and bad, some with none at all, and some who didn't need one, and just instead just let their actions speak for themselves." Due to the pressure of real life the chief commissioner felt he had no longer the time to perform the duties of the office. "[I have] come across the time where I must put down my burden, and let another carry it awhile," according to Papapatagonia.

Papapatagonia will remain in office until a new commissioner has been inaugurated and a new chief commissioner been named.

Friday, June 08, 2007

New name for DSP

The minister of defense initiated an initiative to rename the south pacific military, because "what has dogged me for a long time is the fact that the name and "corresponding" acronym doesn't really make sense to me". Multiple suggestions have been put forward by the creative South Pacific community, of which SPAM (South Pacific Advanced Military) and SPIF (South Pacific Intervention Force) have been the most popular. In a run-off vote, SPIF has won the popularity contest and will probably be the new name of the South Pacific defense force, formerly DSP. It's now waiting for the government officials to officially announce the name change.