The Organization of the South Pacific Annual Awards is still looking for nominations in all categories. The categories themselves have been fixed last week. For your convenience they are placed below:
PopularityMost Popular Nation (Male)
Most Popular Nation (Female)
Most Popular With Opposite Sex (M)
Most Popular With Opposite Sex (F)
Cutest Couple
Most To Say (M)
Most to Say (F)
Individual Deemed Most Likely to go on and Lead a Normal Life
Individual Deemed Most Likely to Reside in the SP Till the Day They Snuff it
Individual Most Likely to Take Over the World
nOOb of the Year
National PrideMost Interesting Nation Name
Best National Flag (Current or Historical)
Best National Motto
Most Valuable NationStates Player
Forum AnticsMost Heated Debate
Best Role Play
Best Role Play Character
Best Entrance for a nOOb
Best Hissy Fit
Best Thread Hijacking
Quickest Thread Hijacking
Best Thread Hijaker
Best Duet
Best Signature (Current or Historical)
Best Avatar (Current or Historical)
Best Example Use of the English Language
Best Proper use of the English Language
Best All Round Poster in the SP
Best Quote
Most Interesting Topic
Joker of the Pack
Calmness in the Face of Adversity
Creative Genius
The Best Idea
Department with the Most Stickies
Regional Message BoardBest Spam
Most Worthy Ejection
Best SPAMAWAY Put Down
Show No Mercy Warnings Award
Visitors from AfarMost Popular Visitor
Visitor With the Most to Say
If you think that someone (or yourself) deserves recognition in some or all categories, you can pm your nominations to Kloister