Delegate Challenge Shortlived...

It's been a busy week for Fudgetopia, Delegate of The South Pacific, which has seen them carry out the ejection of two nations for them failing to adhere to the Law of Succession...A law that was constituted in order to safeguard the region from hostile and ill-conceived attempts for the Delegacy...
This second ejection, of New Kaelan, comes following their clearly stated intent that they wished to pursue the Delegacy...But in accordance to South Pacific law, they are required to be a member of the Offsite Forum for a minimum of 3 months...New Kaelan in only being a member for a day and having well in excess of the permitted 50% level of endorsements was summarily dismissed to the Rejected Realms for a minimum of one server update, this in order to reset their endorsement count back to zero...
The Cabinet have made a welcoming invitation for New Kaelan to remain as a member of the Offsite Forum and get to know the region and it's members...