Ministerial Appointments

The appointment of Napieria as Minister of the Region and Bodhisattva Babes as Minister of Foreign Affairs brings to a close the long and arduous search for able replacements within TSP Cabinet...Finding not only able but willing candidates has been the main reason for the hold up, cited by sources close to the serving goverment officials...
This is both Napieria's and Bodhisattva Babes' first forray into top level politics...Napieria having previously worked within the security and defence area under the guidance of Geomania (Minister of Security)...Bodhisattva Babes has been an active participant on the forum for quite some time...
So our congratulations to the newest members of Cabinet...
With one third of the term already gone, activity in Cabinet is slow, but given that numbers have been so low it is fully understandable...Maybe now this will provide the impetus for more member participation over the coming months...