Cabinet elections reaching their conclusion...Changes to the Welcome Mat...Prime Minister addresses member conduct...The voting period is almost over and barring any large swings the newly forming Cabinet will consist of the following:
PM - Kloister (Uncontested)
MoFA - Caer Rialis (Htz3 having withdrawn from the contest)
MoR - Tsrill (Uncontested)
MoJ - Eastwales (Contested by Minbaric Federal Zones)
MoI - ? (Tarandella having withdrawn from the contest)
MoD - ? (Uncontested)
SoS - Curlyhoward
If you haven't voted then you still just about have time...
Vote Here...It is believed that immediately upon conclusion of the elections the Cabinet will be discussing with the Delegate & EC what action can be taken to fill the vacant Cabinet positions. From our understanding the options are to either make an appointment or hold special elections.
The SoS will now have responsibility for the Welcome Mat, in a move to give the elected (but not Cabinet) position more official duties. Lord Kitchener has been performing this service and has received much praise for the job he has done. In a statement made earlier today by the PM, Curlyhoward and Polkstreet were introduced as the new offical Welcome Mat team.
Link to thread...In an open statement to the Region, the PM has addressed the issue of member conduct and clearly stated the position of the Cabinet and Admin Team with regard to banned members wishing to return to The South Pacific. In summary, there are to be no exceptions and banning orders will remain in place.
Link to statement...