Tuesday, June 27, 2006

SPAA awards

The nominations for the SPAA awards are in and are currently put up for vote. All members of The South Pacific can vote on their favorite in any of the 23 categories from now till the start of the festival next weeks. The winners will get awarded during a ceremony hosted by MC Caer Realis during the week of the festival.

In regard to the other festival events: it is still possible to sign up for the badger racing, and don't forget to take your picture for the lampshade parade!

Friday, June 23, 2006

SP Festival of Independance

The South Pacific celebrates 3 years of independance, active democratic government, Lampshades, BadgersPenguinsChameleons and Cheese Whizz...

Invites have been taken to the furthest reaches of the Nation States world, which c cordially invite everyone to join with them at its inaugral Festival of Independance...A celebration of 3 years of active democratic government...From turbulent beginings, instigating the very first feeder region government, to providing one of the stablest regions in the Nation States world, the South Pacific marks their achievements in this time honoured fashion...

The Festival of Independance is running from Sunday 2nd July - Saturday 8th July 2006 and will be hosting the following celebrational activities for all to enjoy:

South Pacific Annual Awards
Beach Party (Role Play)
Badger Racing
Beauty Pageant/Lampshade Parade
Popularity Contest
Taking nominations for the Matt-Duck & Goddessness Service Awards

There will also be plenty of opportunity to reminisce about the good ol' days...The friendships, the battles and the fun & frolics...

So join with everyone in the South Pacific, for these very special celebrations...


Election Postponed

South Pacific Elections postponed for 2 weeks amid flurry of Delegate activity...

The Delegacy of the South Pacific will be changing hands during the 1st week of July...With Caer Rialis stepping down from the post which they have occupied for well over a year, becoming the longest serving Delegate ever in the Region, Fudgie, the current Minster of Foreign Affairs and nominated Vice Delegate will ascend to power...

In a move that has met with widespread appeal, Caer feels that their time has naturally come to an end and although has enjoyed immensely their time as Delegate, would like to step away from such a prominant position to perhaps contribute in other ways to the Region...The current speculation is that Caer will run for a Cabinet position in the elections...

Elections which due to the change in Delegacy have been postponed, with full approval of the Election Commission, Delegate & Cabinet...

Fudgie is one of the highest profile members of the Region and only recently moved from their longstanding Cabinet position of Prime Minister to focus on Foreign Affairs...

A two week delay will enable the smooth transition of power and ensure that the Region is safe and secure...

Monday, June 19, 2006

SP Elections Called

In accordance with the Charter and Laws of the South Pacific Region, the Ministerial Elections have been announced...

A time for all members of the South Pacific to have a say in how the Region is governed and put themselves forward to a Ministerial post...Tsrill, Deputy Prime Minister said... 'Taking part in the elections is very important: this region can only run if people are doing the work organizing events and keeping the region secure. This region can only run democratically if there's actually a choice in the elections, so the more candidates, the merrier!'...

After speaking with King J, Chief Election Commissioner, the timeframe for the elections is as follows:

Campaigning period ----- Saturday, June 17 - Friday, June 23

Voting period---------------Saturday, June 24 - Friday, July 7

Appeals period -------------Saturday, July 8 - Friday, July 14

Cabinet Time --------------Saturday, July 15 - Saturday, October 14

Candidate news so far is that Tsunamy, Minister of the Region, has declared his intention not to run for a further term of office...Kloister, Prime Minister, has signalled his intention to run for a second term...Minbaric Federal Zones has declared for the position of Minister of Justice...

And of course we see the ol' stalwart of the Secretary of Silly ministry, Curlyhoward, throwing his hat in the ring once more...Will the Region be able to produce anyone quite as 'silly' to realisticly compete with Curly?..

For up-to-date Candidate news then visit the South Pacific Forum here...

Further election stories will follow as and when they happen...

Monday, June 12, 2006

SPFA Matchday 14

Herculeum's run of victories is halted by DVD United...Kaselande Cheeseheads finish bottom...WB Argyle clinch a top 3 finish...

The 3rd South Pacific Football Season closes with Herculeum Lightning being crowned champions elect and rightfully so...Following a record breaking run of 11 straight victories which saw them fend off all would be challengers...However, looking to extend that record even further was the ambition against a DVD United side, that as past champions, were expected to mount a serious title challenge this season...Their performances however did not live up to this top billing and even after holding the champions to a 4 v 4 draw are only consoled with the fact that they escaped the clutches of the bottom two...

Myrulesia, who for so long topped the table, managed to record their first win in 4 games, a run that saw Herculeum wrest the title from their grasp...But an intriguing battle throughout the season between the two highest scoring teams in the league...In a 3 v 0 final day away victory at the hapless kaselande Cheeseheads, one which condemns the Cheeseheads to finishing bottom, Myrulesia can be confident that they will be there or thereabouts next season...

WB Argyle hit the EPC Minions for 6...The Minions replying with 4 of their own...Obviously playing for pride the Minions were determined to avoid finishing bottom of the table...Something that looked almost certain up until weeks 8-11 where they managed to gain 5 valuable points from a possible 12...Wheras in contrast the Cheeseheads were unable to muster any points since matchday 4...A loosing streak of 10 games...Another league record, but one which they will not want to dwell upon...Argyle secured the 3rd place spot just a single point ahead of Badgers United...

CR Crusty Crustaceans were left to finish in the bottom half of the table following another home defeat this time at the hands of the Badgers...At times the Crustaceans did seem like a lobster out of water what with some diabolical defending that in the end gifted the result to United...The Badgers will be delighted with another top half finish and with a little more consistency can possibly challenge for the honours next season...The 4 v 2 victory for the Badgers sees them increase their goal tally, but whilst being potent in attack the defence still requires work and for the team to fulfill it's potential some serious work in the close season will have to be done...CR will be looking to break into the top half next season and forego the pleasure of constantly looking over their shoulders...

So the bottom two, Kaselande Cheeseheads & EPC Minions, barely separated all season, will want to forget most of the past 14 weeks...Although it has to be said that the Minions have fought valiantly to remove themselves from what looked like a terminal situation in the first half of the season...both teams will count themselves lucky that there is currently not a two tier structure in place and so relegation was not a real prospect...But for season 4 it is possible that should the number of teams be doubled then we could have a League 1 & League 2 in place...

So congratulations to Herculeum Lightening as Champions of the SPFA...
Well done to Myrulesia Athletics in securing the runners up spot...
WB Argyle & Badgers United for finishing in the top half...
Better luck next time to CR Crusty Crustaceans & DVD United...
And for Kaselande Cheeseheads & EPC Minions, spend the off season on the training ground to try to improve your fortunes next season...

Well played everyone and lets look forward to the new season in a bigger and better league...

The final league standings were...

Herculeum Lightning................14.....11.......2.........1......48...27...21......35
Myrulesia Athletics....................14......9......3.........2......47...31...16......30
WB Argyle................................14......6.......5.........3......25...16....9.......23
Badgers United........................14......7........1.........6......42...39....3.......22
CR Crusty Crustaceans..............14......4........5........5......29...26....3.......17
DVD United.............................14......4.........4........6.......31...34..-3.......16
EPC Minions............................14......2........2........10.....22...44..-22.......8
Kaselande Cheeseheads............14......2........0........12.......8...35..-27.......6

Bob Fibber, your roving reporter, reporting...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

SPOT Light on Kloister

Next in our series of interviews with cabinet officials, we have mr. Prime Minister himself on the microphone. Read on to get all to know about Kloister, his advice on the coming age of the badger, and much more.

1) Kloister, tell me about your introduction to Nation States & The South Pacific...

I was driving home from work and whilst listening to Steve Wright in the Afternoon on BBC Radio 2, they have a spot on there called 'Web Site Of The Day' on which they were highlighting NationStates...It sounding interesting so the following day I created my nation and was placed into the South Pacific where I have been ever since...I noticed the off-site forum, and the Badgers and I popped along to introduce ourselves...And I haven't done a proper day's work since... ;)

2) What has kept you interested and active on the forums for so long?

It's the funny folk I have met...Many of which I can call 'good friends'...It is also a great opportunity to share cultures, faiths and political ideals with others and have your opinion valued...It is also nice to be able to do things for other people...And where else would the Badgers be able to contemplate World Domination?..

3) Is there anything that stands out as being the most influential thing to have happened in the South Pacific?

There are a few individuals who have positively influence over the South Pacific as a whole...You want me to name them?..

4) Tell me about your motivation for serving the Region as an elected Cabinet Minister, now and in the past...

I was draughted in to begin with as Aurellis's deputy and it has just gone from there...Not that I have any great ambitions to dominate the world...We can leave that to the Badgers... wink.gif With everything I do I try to give of my best and serve the community...I like to think that on balance I have been successful...

5) What do you see as the most important work for a Cabinet Minister?

Service...Cabinet Ministers are not there to blow their own trumpets or take advantage of the position granted by the members...We are very fortunate to have previously had and currently have capable, willing and honest people to put themselves forward for the roles...

6) You seem to be the most expert person in the region on the Coming Age of the Badger. What advice can you give for everyone to prepare?..

Don't deny them their JAM...Get rid of everything that has anything to do with Penguins...After all they are evil...Adopt your very own cuddly black & white ball of fluff...

7) Where do you stand on the whole Fuzzie Bunnies thing?

I have heard it said that they could just be a diversion from the Coming Age of the Badger...But they have to be better than the evil penguins...

8a) What is your view on aliens?

They do not exist...Never have...Never will...Elvis is dead along with Jimmy Hoffa...Those who have professed to have been abducted really need to sit down and have a long hard talk with themselves...

8b) and on chameleons?

Ooo...Those eyes...And I don't see how if they are always changing colour they can accessorise anything...

9) If you were to ever leave the South Pacific, which other Region would you grace with your presence?

The South Pacific is the only place for me...

10) Have you ever had to explain your involvement in NationStates/South Pacific to the uninitiated? What was their reaction?

Yup!..They all think I'm nuts...Mind you I did tell them about the Badgers aswel...

11) How close to your real persona is that of 'Kloister'?

It's difficult to put it into percentage terms...but if you are pressing me for an answer I would say that we are completely interchangable...Although I don't let him get anywhere near my underwear drawer...

12) What is your favourite colour?

Black & White...Although I don't want to get into any arguements that they are not colours...I know that...I've studied my colour theory...

13) Would you rather be a 'pain in the neck' or 'pain in the arse'?


14) If you were an animal, would you be disappointed that you weren't a human?

I know we talk alot about animals here, but really I have never seen Mr Jones use a keyboard or mouse!..No...

15) What is your favourite type of garden shed?

The Windsor...No!..The Trussock...Ooo there are so many...All those pitched roofs and pot plants...

16) What's the most demeaning act you have ever been asked to perform?

I didn't actually perform but it got close to me being harassed into singing kareoke once...Luckily I escaped and was spared the lifelong shame...

17) Do you think that the Americans really landed on the Moon, or was it just an elaborate hoax?

It doesn't really matter...We live in the Matrix anyway...

18) Stuff or thingy?

19a) What question would you most like to be asked by an interviewer?

So what does it feel like to lift all 4 major trophies in the same season, as well as winning the tour de france for the 10 straight year?..

19b) What would your answer to that question be?


20) What do you think of students?
They are all dirty...

21) What do you think of old people?

Should be honoured and respected on the whole...

22) What award would you most like to win?

Stupid swimming instructor missed my underwater handstand and so did not pass me for my gold swimming award...I want it retrospectively awarded please...Can you fix it for me?..

I´m afraid that goes beyond the powers of SPOT...on with the next question
23) Which one individual do you hate most in the world?

I try my best to get on with everyone...Don't hate anyone in particular, more the things they do...

24) Why?

It's the way I was raised...

25) Monty Python or Blackadder?

I am going to take both and also add Red Dwarf to the list too...

26) How many Kloisters would it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Hey...Are you calling into question my DIY abilities?..If we ignore all of the possible variables and take the simplest scenario...Then I guess it would take just the one...Which is a good job really as there is only one of me...

27) How to be creative with a thermonuclear device?

Just substitute the term for anything else you happen to be talking about...

28) Finally, do you have an inspirational message for our readers?

Never argue with an idiot...They will bring you down to their level then beat you with experience...

Many thanks to Kloister for his time!