SPOT Light on Fudgie

1) Tell me about your introduction to Nation States & The South Pacific...
I was bored one night - went to AlbinoBlackSheep and found the link. I started about the same time as the first attempts to overthrow Francos Spain. So my introduction to the forums was fairly rapid - Bistmath coerced me.
2) What has kept you interested and active on the forums for so long?..
The different people, the changing dynamic of the forum, the changes in the game and the general fun that we have.
3) Is there anything that stands out as being the most influential thing to have happened in the South Pacific?..
The introduction of the Charter and the code of Laws. The South Pacific has the longest running, and oldest set of laws in the game feeder wise. Thanks to Goddessness, we have feeder politics.
4) Tell me about your motivation for serving the Region as both an elected Cabinet Minister and Forum Admin...
Power. Shiny Red Buttons. Well, that's what the "oppressed masses" will have you believe. I do it for the fun and the fact that it helps stimulate my mind. Admin wise, I've always been interested in various types of coding - this way I can learn hands on.
5) What do you see as the most important work for a Cabinet Minister?..
Setting an example and playing the role effectively.
6) Given that the Coming Age of the Badger is surely upon us, what advice can you give for everyone to prepare?..
When accessorising Black and White, avoid greens and blues - stick with warm tones - reds, yellows and pinks - and always remember that jam stains are best removed with a little baking soda and soda water.
7) Where do you stand on the whole Fuzzie Bunnies thing?..
They taste good with a side salad and a light hollandaise sauce.
8) If you were to ever leave the South Pacific, which other Region would you grace with your presence?..
Without a doubt, either the East Pacific - I have a long standing friendship with Loop and several of the other players over there, or the Pacific.
9) What is your favourite colour?..
Red. Followed by blues and greens.
10) Have you ever had to explain your involvement in NationStates/South Pacific to the uninitiated?..What was their reaction?..
Yes. My Parents. I believe it went something like this: "You know that game I play? The online one? You know - the political one? Well, can I invite someone to stay with us from that game? Please?"...Actually they were pretty good about it. they don't mind so much.
11) How close to your real persona is that of 'Fudgetopia'?..
I'm proud of the fact that I present the same personality online as I do in RL. I'm possibly a little more reserved online - mostly as I don't want to shock people - but there are a couple of people who can testify I am the same.
12) Would you rather be a 'pain in the neck' or 'pain in the arse'?..
Arse. Definately Arse. Much more uncomfortable.
13) If you were an animal, would you be disappointed that you weren't a human?..
No. How can you be disappointed in not being something that you don't know?
14) What is your favourite head furniture?..
My halo!..
15) What's the most demeaning act you have ever been asked to perform?..
Interesting question. I don't see things as demeaning. If it's something I won't do for ethical reasons - I will, and I have refused to do it. If it's something that is 'below' me - I do and I treat it as a new experience or a learning curve.
16) Do you think that the Americans really landed on the Moon, or was it just an elaborate hoax?..
They landed. They're just hiding all the facts from us - like the green cheese and the little men that live there.
17) What is your favourite cheese?..
Hmm...I like lots of cheeses. I like New Zealand Epicure with pickled onions, Dutch Smoked Gouda, and Brie.
18) Buckaroo or Operation?..
19) What question would you most like to be asked by an interviewer?..
What response would you like to hear?
20) What do you think of students?..
I am one. I like them.
21) What do you think of old people?..
I'd better be nice to them - set a precedent because I plan to be one one day.
22) What award would you most like to win?..
I don't really want to win an award for anything. I'd rather be remembered for the deeds I've done.
23) Which one individual do you hate most in the world?
I don't hate anyone. I dislike the actions or the morals of some people intensely. But I don't hate any individual. Beleive it or not, there is good to be found in every person. It's just harder to find in some people.
24) Why?..
That's the way I was raised. My parents emphatically told us that there was no such word as hate. So despite what people do - there is something about them that is positive.
25) Monty Python or Blackadder?..
Can I pick both?
No choose one...
If I have to pick one, I'll take Python. But it's a very narrow margin
26) Just what is going on between you and the Hoff?..
Well, my lawyers tell me to say we're just good friends. His lawyers are still finalising the paperwork that says I should stay more than 100 meters away at all times, and that I'm no longer allowed to skip on his front lawn wearing budgie smugglers and a chest wig.
27) Finally, do you have an inspirational message for our readers?..
You can wear your underwear 4 times before having to wash it. Forwards, Backwards, Inside out Forwards and inside out backwards.
Many thanks to Cabinet Minister Fudge for their precious time and I think we can safely say we are no closer to unravelling the twisted mystery that is Hoffius Obssessionus!..
Viva la Hawaiian Shirts!.. ;)