Vote Now

The polling booths have been open now for just over 3 days and a steady trickle of voters have been seen milling around the Town Hall...But they have only been able to vote for 3 candidates out of a possible 5 as there are no candidates for MoR (Minister of the Region) & MoFA (Minister of Foreign Affairs)...
Our exit poll seems to suggest that candidates Geomania (Minister of Security), Eastwales (Minister of Justice) and Kloister (Prime Minister), all seeking re-election, will be successful...SPOTs intrepid reporting team garnered the following comments...
'I really expected a bigger turnout.'
'I almost got knocked over by that tumbleweed over there.'
'Oh! Is that what we were voting for. I thought we were finally going to be rid of Conrad Crooner, the rubbish one from the reality TV show'...
With the results of the election seemingly not in doubt, the attention has turned towards the Delegate and who she will nominate to fill the vacant positions...It is unlikely that Caer Rialis and Tsrill will be tempted to resume their duties, as both have stressed a strong desire to step down from Cabinet for the short while, at least...
Attention will almost surely be on those members that have served in Cabinet before and are currently in a position to accept the call to serve...Mavenu, Htz3, KingJ, DickvanDyke, ParrrrTay and Polkstreet are names heading the list...
The newly formed government will surely have to address the clearly apparent apathy towards politics and democracy in TSP...Will this resurrect the calls for a move away from the constitutional monarchy style of government towards more of an authoritarianist dictatorship...
It's only going to get more interesting...Stay tuned to SPOT for the best news coverage...